This chapter of the guide is a collection of smaller topics that are valuable for structuring components.
One of the biggest differences between Bonsai and other virtual-dom based UI frameworks (such as React, Vue, or Elm) is that Bonsai structures the composition of UI components as a Directed Acyclic Graph instead of as a tree.
What this means in practice is that the output of one component can be fed as input to another component.
To illustrate this, we’ll build a textbox component whose placeholder text is specified dynamically. This textbox component is so similar to the one constructed in the state chapter that the diff between that version and the new one is shown below for convenience.
-let textbox =
+let textbox ~placeholder =
let%sub state, set_state = Bonsai.state (module String) ~default_model:"" in
(let%arr state = state
and set_state = set_state+ and placeholder = placeholder in
let view =
~attr:(Vdom.Attr.many [ Vdom.Attr.value_prop state
; Vdom.Attr.on_input (fun _ new_text -> set_state new_text)+ ; Vdom.Attr.placeholder placeholder
state, view) ;;
And a basic usage of the new component (with a constant placeholder)
let textbox_with_placeholder = textbox ~placeholder:(Value.return "the placeholder")
And because of the graph-like structure of a Bonsai app, we can trivially chain two textboxes together so that the contents of one of the output of one textbox is used as the placeholder for the next.
let textbox_chaining =
let%sub a_contents, a_view = textbox ~placeholder:(Value.return "") in
let%sub _, b_view = textbox ~placeholder:a_contents in
let%arr a_view = a_view
and b_view = b_view in
let style = (Css_gen.display `Inline_grid) in
Vdom.Node.div ~attr:style [ a_view; b_view ] ;;
Clearly, chaining together two textboxes to set the placeholder text isn’t particularly useful (the examples are small though!), but in real applications, this kind of component dependency structuring is valuable in a myriad of ways:
be familiar to you by now, but
there’s actually a more powerful
form of variable substitution
which permits a limited form of
dynamism, match expressions!
With match%sub
, a
'a Value.t
matched on, and any bindings in
the match arm are projected out
into their Value.t
form. Let’s look at what that
means in practice!
In the following example, we’ll avoid building the 2nd textbox if the first textbox is either empty or only contains whitespace.
let textbox_matching =
let%sub a_contents, a_view = textbox ~placeholder:(Value.return "") in
let a_contents =
let%map s = a_contents in
let s = String.strip s in
if String.is_empty s then None else Some s
match%sub a_contents with
None ->
| let%arr a_view = a_view in
let message = Vdom.Node.div [ Vdom.Node.text "<a is empty>" ] in
Vdom.Node.div [ a_view; message ]Some placeholder ->
| let%sub _, b_view = textbox ~placeholder in
let%arr a_view = a_view
and b_view = b_view in
let style = (Css_gen.display `Inline_grid) in
Vdom.Node.div ~attr:style [ a_view; b_view ] ;;
There are a few details to note about some of the types up above
'a Value.t
'b Computation.t
expression has type
'b Computation.t
) are
available in
form.It is important to know that at any point in time, only one of the arms in the pattern match is active, so the components in the not-matched arms are not being computed.
In addition to
also exists,
with the exact same semantics,
but specialized for
Up until now, Bonsai hasn’t
had any real tools for dealing
with dynamically sized
collections of components. Sure,
you could manually re-use a
text-box component twice, but if
the number of distinct
components is determined at
runtime, writing out a bunch of
won’t cut
That’s where
in. Let’s start by looking at
its type signature:
val assoc
: ('key, 'cmp) comparatorMap.t Value.t
-> ('key, 'data, 'cmp)
-> f:('key Value.t -> 'data Value.t -> 'result Computation.t)Map.t Computation.t -> ('key, 'result, 'cmp)
Breaking the parts of the signature down one-by-one we have
('key, 'cmp) comparator
A comparator is required; this
is typically just
(module Int)
(module My_type)
where the type is comparable,
and has the sexp functions
defined.('key, 'data, 'cmp) Map.t Value.t
A dynamic map from
with type
'key Value.t -> 'data Value.t -> 'result Computation.t
this function will be called
with every key-value pair in the
map, and produces a computation
('key, 'result, 'cmp) Map.t Computation.t
a map from the same key as the
input to the
produced in
the f
function.This type signature is
remarkably close to the regular
OCaml function
, which has
this type signature:
val mapi
: ('key, 'data, 'cmp)
-> f:(key:'key -> data:'data -> 'result)Map.t -> ('key, 'result, 'cmp)
But of course the Bonsai
version has a bunch of
it’s type signature, so what are
those types giving us?
The first benefit to
is that the
computation inside of
is only evaluated
once per key/value pair, after
which any updates to the
travel through
the regular bonsai
optimization. This means that if
the input map is 100,000
elements large, but only one of
the keys has data that is
changing frequently, only the
one component for that key will
be involved in recomputing the
eventual result of the overall
The other benefit to using
assoc is apparent from looking
at the type of the function: the
function returns
a Computation.t
which means that every key/value
pair in the input map is its own
component, each with it’s own
independent state!
For this example, we’ll re-use the “counter” component defined in the last section of the state chapter, but this time, there’ll be a bunch of them!
let multiple_counters (input : unit String.Map.t Value.t) =
let%sub counters =
Bonsai.assocmodule String)
fun _key (_ : unit Value.t) -> State_examples.counter_state_machine)
let%arr counters = counters in
|> ~f:(fun (key, vdom) ->
|> let open Vdom.Node in
let name = td [ Vdom.Node.text key ] in
let counter = td [ vdom ] in [ name; counter ])) ;;
and to start out with we’ll use a constant map as an input to the component:
let multiple_counters_constant =
multiple_counters"hello", (); "there", () ] |> Map.of_alist_exn (module String) |> Value.return)
([ ;;
and while this does show off
how to associate a component
across a map, using
it hard to see the “dynamic”
aspect. So let’s build a
dynamically editable map!
module Model = struct
type t = unit String.Map.t [@@deriving sexp, equal]
let default = String.Map.of_alist_exn [ "Dave", (); "Jill", () ]
module Action = struct
type t =
of string
| Add of string
| Remove
[@@deriving sexp_of]end
let people =
Bonsai.state_machine0module Model)
(module Action)
~default_model:Model.defaultfun ~inject:_ ~schedule_event:_ model action ->
~apply_action:(match action with
Map.set model ~key:name ~data:()
| Add name -> Map.remove model name)
| Remove name ->
let add_new_person_form ~inject_add_person =
let%sub form = Form.Elements.Textbox.string () in
let%arr form = form
and inject_add_person = inject_add_person in
let on_submit name = Vdom.Effect.Many [ Form.set form ""; inject_add_person name ] in
|> Form.label fun name ->
|> Form.validate ~f:(if String.for_all name ~f:Char.is_whitespace
then Error (Error.of_string "name must not be empty")
else Ok ())
|> Form.view_as_vdom ~on_submit:(Form.Submit.create ~f:on_submit ())
let people_table people ~inject_remove_person =
Bonsai.assocmodule String)
peoplefun name (_ : unit Value.t) ->
~f:(let%sub counter = State_examples.counter_state_machine in
let%arr counter = counter
and name = name
and inject_remove_person = inject_remove_person in
let open Vdom.Node in
let remove_person =
[ buttonfun _ -> inject_remove_person name))
~attr:(Vdom.Attr.on_click ("x" ]
[ text
let name = td [ text name ] in
let counter = td [ counter ] in
tr [ name; counter; remove_person ])
let kudo_tracker =
let%sub people, inject_action = people in
let%sub form =
let inject_add_person =
let%map inject_action = inject_action in
fun name -> inject_action (Add name)
add_new_person_form ~inject_add_personin
let%sub people_table =
let inject_remove_person =
let%map inject_action = inject_action in
fun name -> inject_action (Remove name)
people_table people ~inject_remove_personin
let%arr people_table = people_table
and form = form in
let open Vdom.Node in
div"kudos tracker" ]
[ h2 [ text
; table"Name" ]; th [ text "# Kudos" ]; th [ text "Remove" ] ] ]
[ thead [ tr [ th [ text people_table)
; tbody (
]"Add Person" ]
; h2 [ text
; form
] ;;